The “Updated Report on the Israel-Hamas War and Gathering of Support and Unity for Israel.” on 10/26 concluded amidst a moment of silence. We appreciate the attention given by the major media and the public regarding the “Israel Hamas War”.
The purpose of this seminar hosted by the Israeli Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei (ISECO) was to allow everyone to better understand the current situation in Israel and the ongoing war.
Maya Yaron, the representative of Israel in Taiwan, mentioned in the meeting: “Israel is not only facing a physical war but also facing many cognitive and informational battles against anti-Semitic perceptions in communities and the media.”
Throughout the event, many empty chairs were displayed on both sides of the venue, each symbolizing an innocent hostage. They all have families but have had their lives senselessly stripped away. This evil act of abduction cannot be tolerated and should not happen in the international community.
The two founders of JTCA expressed their gratitude for everyone’s attendance and concern. One of the founders, NaTang, said, “Peaceful coexistence is the hope for everyone, but it is a luxury for those involved in the Israel-Hamas war.” We hope everyone will continue to care and pray for Israel, wishing for the safe return of all hostages and a swift arrival of peace.
In the face of terror threats, neither you or I should remain silent! We hope that everyone can assist in spreading the truth. Additionally, through the following means, we can help the many affected and destroyed villages in Israel return to their former state.
We extend the deepest love and blessings to the whole world, to every individual.
**You can directly support Israel through this donation link **
**Those in Taiwan who need tax-deductible receipts for donations**
You can also remit money directly to the “Israel National Foundation Headquarters/Taiwan Federation” account
Donation bank: China Trust Commercial Bank (822) Dunnan Branch
Taiwan dollar account name: United Appeal of Israel Taiwan Federation
Taiwan dollar account number: 1635-4030-7168
Foreign currency account name: KEREN HAYESOD-UIA TAIWAN
Foreign currency account number: 1631-3104-8807
Let us pray together for world peace!