Chief Rabbi of Israel David Lau!

Dear Friends
If you remember the famous 1967 Sidney Poitier movie you will remember he had special guests coming to dinner that was quite controversial at the time.
Well, we had the JTCA and the Jeffrey D. Schwartz Jewish Community Center also had our unbelievable guests that came to dinner on February 22 at the JCC.
Firstly, the Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel – Rabbi David Lau blessed us with his visit to dedicate our new Jewish community center to all the Jews in Taiwan, Israel and the diaspora .
He asked us to continue to take the lead in providing a beautiful home for the Jews in Taiwan as well as all those that visit the Island. With our adherence to Halakhah laws and providing high quality kosher food in a very high-end atmosphere filled with meaningful displays of Judaism. We now opened up a new era for observant Jews to conveniently and comfortably to visit Taiwan and happily maintain their observance.
WOW… who else came to dinner?
The head Rabbi of Chabad headquarters Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky who was appointed by the famous Rebbe Schneerson of the Chabad movement prior to his passing in 1994.
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky along with his son Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky made the long trip from Brooklyn New York. Rabbi Kotlarsky has been the driving force of the Chabad movement to open up over 6000 Chabad houses throughout the world with their outreach program based on the principle of “never leaving a single Jew behind “.

What …Who else showed up for dinner ?
Over 30 Rabbis from all over Asia including Australia that made the trek to Taipei to the Jeffrey D. Schwartz Jewish Community Center with our illustrious guests to help bless and dedicate our new center.

The atmosphere was electric with so many important Jewish spiritual leaders in one place praying in our synagogue and then taking the opportunity to share stories, discuss issues, solve common problems and inspire one another with the first ever Asia Regional Rabbi Summit held in Taipei. For two solid days and late into the evenings the Rabbis covered so many topics that were important to all of us. When it was time to pray each day the Synagogue lite up with positive energy, love and blessings for all.
We at the Jewish Community Center were in awe of the dynamics that transpired these two full days and nights at the JCC. We were humbled by the presence of so many world class Spiritual leaders of Jewish people from around the world.
I thought back on NaTang’s and my original plans to build a different type of Jewish Center in Taipei…..a JCC that held the highest standards of our Jewish Traditions as well as helped educate the public as who we Jews are , how we think and how we create community wherever we go. What occurred those few days was more that than we had prayed for and G-d’s great plan was clearly beginning to come to fruition.

The Taiwan public that happened to visit our center those two days had an eyeful and earful of real Jewish Culture.
We are blessed to have so many local citizens and visitors to Taiwan that are welcomed to our JCC, Kosher lab and Judaica museum daily to learn more about us as we direct the true narrative of Jews to counter any fake news that is in circulation
Through these efforts and people coming together not only do we provide the best place for Jews to enjoy their Jewishness but we provide a platform for everyone to join in to better understand the so many positive things that the Jews in the world do for themselves and the population at large.
These were many of the goals we had in mind when NaTang and I started this journey but to see it playing real time in front of us is an indescribable feeling of happiness and sense of accomplishment that could only have happened through hard work and support from so many people that it is impossible to list in our newsletter. Furthermore, in all our affairs the Taiwan government comes to the forefront to support everything we do as this is truly a Blessed Country and the only Democratic and Free Chinese Country in the world. Taiwan deserves to be looked up to as an example for the world to see and learn from.
Today’s newsletter will stop at this news to put other things that have transpired since our last newsletter seems not appropriate after such an unbelievable, enlightening and successful event.

However, I will tell you a little secret….. There are many more surprises scheduled to happen during the year that will surprise many of you as things that one thought could never happen in our humble abode in Taiwan.
There will be more about these special events over the next few months.

In closing, our Jewish Community center will be celebrating Purim on March 5 on Purim eve at the JCC and then on March 12 the Taiwan Jewish Community (TJC) will be celebrating their Gala Purim event at our Center’s beautiful ballroom. This will be another first for the JCC and part of the beginning of future cooperation with the TJC (the oldest Jewish community in Taiwan dating back to 1955). Hopefully, this will be the beginning of events and opportunities to work together with another group of Jewish people based here in Taiwan.
As I say to everyone, we have no labels and we celebrate our diversity. We just have different levels of observance between people which is a very personal decision but as the Great Rebbe Schneerson said ‘’we will never leave a single Jew behind”.
G-d Bless to all!
Jeffrey & NaTang Schwartz
PS. Enjoy some of the photos and video from the great Rabbi Summit and the Gala dinner event!

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