Israel and Taiwan signed the “Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Volunteer Cooperation between Taiwan and Israel” to deepen exchanges and cooperation in the field of volunteering between the two countries and implement the spirit of love without borders.

In his speech, Omer Caspi, the representative of the Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei, affirmed that the Taiwanese government actively assists young people in international affairs and encourages more Taiwanese young people to participate in volunteer services in Israel in the future. Representative Kirsby also issued a certificate of appreciation in recognition of the contributions of the young volunteers in Taiwan.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Cao Lijie praised the young volunteers as Taiwan’s best civil ambassadors, and pointed out that Taiwan and Israel have similar ideas. He thanked all parties for their efforts to promote the signing of the agreement, which once again demonstrated the determination of bilateral solid friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation.

“Taiwan-Israel Volunteer Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding” signing ceremony. Representative Ke and China’s representative Zhang Guobao in Israel signed them in different places on behalf of the two governments through video connection. Li Lifen, Deputy Minister of Government Affairs of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and Wang Yuqun, Deputy Director of the Youth Development Agency of the Ministry of Education, attended the ceremony. Avigdor Kaplan, the Director-General of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of Israel, and General Doron Almog, founder of the Center for the Disability, also participated in the testimony.