Through the Jeffrey D. Schwartz & Na Tang Jewish Taiwan Cultural Association (JTCA) and the Jewish Community Center (JCC), the Jewish Community in Taiwan has been able to flourish. The Jewish Community Center has not only become a home to the Jewish people living in or travelling to Taiwan but has also brought the Jewish culture, customs and holidays closer to the local Taiwanese.
In order to continue our work of providing a place for Jews to celebrate and observe their heritage and to build bridges with the global Jewish community we need support from people like you. If you are able, please consider making a donation to support our work. We welcome and deeply appreciate one-time and recurring donations that will go towards supporting the significant capital requirements like supporting staff salaries and building maintenance and security.
As a thank you you would receive the following benefits and recognitions:
Your name (and that of your partner if you choose) will be prominently displayed on an engraved plaque as part of our “Tree of Life”, a permanent display on the wall of the foyer of the Center.
Having your family’s name engraved in such a holy place with such spiritual energy and many Jewish artifacts with protective power would be a marvellous blessing to you and your family.
donations of USD 2,500 onwards are featured on the single leaf.
donations of USD 5,000 onwards are featured on the double leaf.
and donations of USD12,000 and above are featured on the foundation stones , doves and acorns according to availability.
JTCA is a non-profit organization. Your support allows us to promote and further develop the harmony of mind and body through humanities, culture, and education.
Thank you from all of us at JTCA.
Donation account:
Account name: JTCA
Account No#: 126-10-306136-7
Bank address: 54, SEC.4, MING SHEN E. RD., TAIPEI, TAIWAN