2023 JTCA x 臺大國際引水人計畫
“The Israeli nation is like a rainbow with each color unmixed. Yet no matter which color we belong to, we must acknowledge the existence of others.”
郭啟二 Stanley Kuo
“Israel is an ancient people, but a new nation. All actions of Israelis are linked to the past and look forward to the future, shaping the appearance of this moment.”
周心慈 Jenny Chou
“The importance of embracing complexity was a valuable lesson that resonated with me. Life is not black and white, and every situation has its nuances and complexities.”
李芯恩 Cynthia Lee
「我們可以對神保持信心, 因為歷史告訴我們,無論發生多麼糟糕的壞事、悲劇, 我們都會一次又一次地克服, 重新站起來。最重要的是, 我們知道也深信, 在神眼裡有永遠的盼望, 那份盼望是存到永恆的。」
詹宜儒 Emily Chan
“The path of entrepreneurship is fraught with unknowns and uncertainties, and it involves not just success but also hidden failures.”
林維毅 Andre Lin
「所謂的失敗不是失敗, 他是一個計畫的結束, 同時也是新一波嘗試、新的機會的開端。」
“The so-called failure is not really a failure; it marks the end of a plan and at the same time, the beginning of new attempts and opportunities.”
蕭琮嬿 Miffy Hsiao
“Not being afraid of failure” is one of the reasons why Israel has become a startup powerhouse.”
陳姿妤 Amy Chen
” This trip to Israel is a training of critical thinking for me. While absorbing various knowledge, I constantly reflect on different perspectives and embrace the complexity of Israel.”
管晟宇 Jordan Kuan
“I don’t want you to chase your dreams, I want you to chase your reality. And I want you to understand that you chase your reality not at the expense of your dreams, but as the foundation of your dreams.” ……
王楷傑 Arthur Wang
Perhaps the challenges we encounter may seem unsolvable and thorny, and the environment we are in may be harsh and hostile. ……
相柔竹 Joy Shiang
“Startups are like a belief.” I must have faith in what I’m doing for others to believe in me.