This Shabbat marks 70 years since the Rebbe officially accepted the mantle of leadership of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, on the first anniversary of his predecessor’s passing.
Before the Previous Rebbe passed away, he published a 20-chapter discourse titled “Basi Legani” on various esoteric Chassidic concepts, all with practical down-to-earth application. It served as a last will and testament of sorts, guiding his followers in the days and years after his passing.
Every year, on the yahrtzeit, the Rebbe would deliver a discourse of his own, elaborating on another chapter of the original discourse.
The eleventh chapter is about the Jewish people being “G-d’s army,” as we are called in this week’s Torah portion.
We are entrusted with the mandate to battle the forces of impurity in the world. Just like a human king leading his men to battle leaves no stone unturned and no avenue unexplored—providing the soldiers every possible advantage to further the goal of winning the war—G-d does the same for us, ordering us to battle the forces of evil and providing us with every tool necessary to succeed.
With G-d on our side, offering support through any ordeal, we are sure to always be victorious!
Shabbat shalom.
Rabbi Shlomi Tabib